[mefi-projects] #066 14-Sep-2003
There will be no mefi-projects mailing next weekend. Don't let that stop
you from sending me announcements, though.
Gusto <http://www.dailygusto.com/>
Gusto, a new web magazine run by fans of MetaFilter (and including a
column written by a MeFi member) updates every weekday with columns and
articles about the state of culture.
-- sugarfish
Fray Day 7 <http://www.frayday.com/>
Fray Day is an annual celebration of true personal storytelling that
takes place in 14 cities worldwide (including SF, DC, and NYC) on the same
weekend. This year it's October 3-5. Come to the event nearest you for
true stories told live! Each event includes featured performances,
interactive art, live music, and a storytelling open mic -- so bring a story
to tell!
-- fraying
Got a new site or a major change to announce? E-mail the site's name, URL,
your MetaFilter user name, and a brief (fifty words or thereabouts) blurb to
mefi-projects AT jerrykindall.com. If you want to make the moderator a happy
camper, do it in the same format as the ones you see above.
To get off this list, send a message to <mefi-projects-off AT jerrykindall.com>
Archives of this list are at <http://www.jerrykindall.com/mefi-projects/>
[mefi-projects] for the less perfect world.