[mefi-projects] #069 07-Dec-2003
Bah and the Humbugs <http://www.bahandthehumbugs.com>
For those who like their satire hummable and their pop music snarky, Bah
and the Humbugs (co-founded by a Mefi user) expose the hilarious underbelly
of Christmas tradition on songs like "Free the Reindeer" and "Jolly Roger,
the Christmas Pirate." New CD, "Another Christmas Ruined," on a new Web
-- soyjoy
Gapers' Block <http://www.gapersblock.com>
Gapers' Block is a Chicago-centric news and events site. Daily links to
Chicago news and other stuff, an events calendar, weekdaily columns and
more. Members me3dia, luke and aladfar contribute.
-- me3dia
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